12 Experts Predict the Future of Education

Posted on June 13, 2014 by Diego Santos Some months ago we asked 12 experts in education their best advice on the use of ICTs. However, that was not the only question. Today we present the second part of that article, in which experts help us to predict what the future of education will be like in 10 years. In analyzing the group's answers, the first thing that strikes you is that the opinion seems to be quite unanimous. All participating teachers agree on the growing importance of technology, which will lead to personalized learning at the same time as social and collaborative learning. Continuous learning or "Life Long Learning" Is another one of the most talked about trends among teachers, who also point out the need for a unified effort to make these great advances in education possible. On the other hand, the importance of classrooms and educational centers seems to be declining. Education moves to a Ubiquitous environment. Let's take a look at the experts' opinion in detail.

12 Keys regarding the Future of Education

"Education will be a Social and ubiquitous experience. Only a part of it, and small part, will take place in an educational center. Or the educational system evolves to adapt to people acquiring the horizontal capacity to educate themselves, and to do this with others, anywhere and anytime. If not, they will be condemned to irrelevance. " José Luis Castillo (Spain) "Over the next 10 years, people will be VERY committed to their lifelong learning. Life Long Learning will be a latent tendency and people will be respected for the ability to share knowledge with society and will increasingly include personal networks for learning. In the Physical Classrooms, learners will go to share stories, to debate knowledge and NOT to acquire it, or at least... that is my dream. " Diana Salazar (Colombia) "Two concepts will be key: Ubiquitous Learning and Personalized Learning. Education cannot be confined to the space of four walls of a classroom. The advancement in devices and web 2.0 to WEB 4.0 confirms this trend in education. " Beatriz Montesinos (Spain) "Education is usually one of the slowest fields to change and when it does, its transformation is partial, leaving intact aspects that remain immutable for a long time. However, movements over the last five years seem to indicate that there is a growing interest in technology as a mediating resource in teaching and learning. In my opinion, in the coming years we will see further development of m-learning and the incursion of augmented reality as the most interesting technologies. Without this means that other resources like Metaverse get left behind. One could also expect a rise in neuroscience in this field. " Yonathan Ruiz (Venezuela) "Massive use of mobile devices, universal access to information sources, use of adaptive teaching platforms that fit the abilities and interests of the students. Digital books in permanent update, adaptive feedback in the way of learning, each student will have their own personal learning plan, Objectives and standards well defined but not closed so that the one that can go further will and will never be limited by the group to which it is attached. Cooperative and collaborative learning." Javier Tourón (Spain) "As well as progress in many areas of the human realm, education is changing and seems in many ways that this is overtaking the teacher." We learn and not just in school. Here are my points:

Olga Mendoza (Mexico) "I am not a prophet and I do not know what our society (and education) will be like in ten years' time. Perhaps the only thing that is certain is that change has already begun. This can be seen in three basic things and I believe this will indicate the education of the future. One is that digital technology in its many forms are already a common element in schools, in classrooms and in homes. Ten years ago, this did not happen. This is why education will be more digital than analog and printed. Secondly, the autonomy of students will increase so they will be less directed and controlled by their teachers. And thirdly, I believe that education for the next ten years will be a mixture of formal learning situations in classrooms with informal learning experiences occurring in everyday life. In short, the education of the future will be more digital, more flexible and more hybrid or a pedagogically mix-breed. " Manuel Area (Spain) "If we all work together towards fundamental goals we will achieve it. From Preschool on, we must prepare non-university human beings. That is something that we must put aside as it belongs to the nineteenth century. Teachers should train us more and better, but not so theoretically but rather, more holistically. Further research into pedagogical theories taking what serves us from our space without following trends or people, but the idea." María Torres (Uruguay) "I understand that the efforts of teachers should be strongly supported by the education authorities. As there is no real and clear will to introduce ICT in education, in ten years, it will be as it is now; A group of teachers making unimaginable efforts to introduce, in the best possible way, with the training that can be sought, the new technologies in the classroom. " Juan Carlos Orta (Spain) "Education has changed a lot in recent decades and among the changes and advances that are coming and are yet to come are:

These are some changes in the educational world which I believe will be present during the next decade. The Internet and Technology are part of these advances. However, as parents and educators, we have the duty to educate our children and adolescents to make adequate and moderate use of technological tools and advances which are already part of our lives. " Claudia Torres (Ecuador) "Education will change completely in the coming years. First at the level of faculty. Its role will no longer be transmitter of knowledge but a companion, the student's guide. Gradually the digital book will be introduced through platforms to which the centers or families will come to acquire them. Video and image will acquire a fundamental value in learning. And the flipped classroom methodology will be the norm. Students will bring their own devices to class in which they will have the resources which they have acquired. The evaluation will change significantly leaving aside the memorization of contents to assess competencies, processes, skills that will be visualized or recorded in e-portfolios on the web. They will gamify the learning processes, making it much more fun. " Celestino Arteta (Spain) "A picture is worth a thousand words." Raúl Santiago (Spain)

Our Panel of Experts on the Future of Education

Below, you can find a brief description of the experts who have participated in this study of the use of ICT in the classroom. Manuel Area, Professor of the Department of Didactics and Educational Research in the Faculty of Education of the University of La Laguna (Spain) where he teaches the subject of "Educational Technology". He was President of the scientific association named the University Network of Educational Technology that brings together Spanish and Latin American researchers and teachers in this field. Claudia Torres, Director of Formared and a member of Microsoft's Partner and Learning Institute. Insider of the International Encounter of Education Telephonic Foundation - Educared. Rapporteur of workshops on Educational Constructivism and ICTs in Education. Javier Tourón, Professor of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education, Javier Tourón is a professor in the Department of Education at the University of Navarra; Doctor in Education Sciences and Biological Sciences. Raúl Santiago, Associate Professor at the University of La Rioja. He has participated as a consultant and technical advisor in the development of educational projects based on New Technologies. He has coordinated, directed or imparted more than 200 courses, informative sessions and training workshops on topics related to learning, new technologies applied to education and languages. Diana Salazar works in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Government of Cundinamarca, coordinating and articulating processes of social appropriation of knowledge throughout the territory of Cundinamarca. Specialized in Virtual Learning Environments. José Luis Castillo teaches Biology and Geology at IES Celia Viñas de Almería. He has also worked in the Permanent Education Service of the Ministry of Education of the Andalusian Government, contributing to the implementation of the blended education. Yonathan Ruiz, Applied Technology Analyst for the Ucab-Guayana headquarters at the Center for the Application of Informatics (CAI) by the Academic Unit of this center. Celestino Arteta, Teacher of Special Education and Teacher of listening and language. Blogger. Beatriz Montesinos, Psychologist. Passion to learn. Passion for teaching. Fascinated by the ICT and the #cambioeducativo. Olga Mendoza, Teacher in Educational Technology Juan Carlos Orta, primary education teacher in Linares (Jaén). Very interested in ICTs. María Torres, named by Microsoft as an Expert Educator and participant in the Partners in Learning Global Forum 2014.