Current Education

Angel N. Valle Jauregui Today society insists that education meet a series of demands. Education must tend to two things; ambiguity and contradictions, both in the objectives as well as the principles and values on which its work is based. Society asks schools to give its students training that will help them develop as individuals and assume some ethical values, both individual and social. Education is society's mirror: it reflects and at the same time sets the economic, social and political climate of a country, its values, ethics, cultural framework, expectations and aspirations of society. That is why it is very important to spare no expense in terms of education, since education is the pillar and main driving force behind a country's development and is reflected in all sectors. The education of curiosity, of creativity, of instrumental habits will be accompanied by the formation of attitudes and ethical values. All this must be part of the curriculum and, as such, must be subject to systematic and progressive action. Therefore, it is proposed that the educational action is more focused on orientation. It is to prepare to live in a society going through change. There is no clear and reliable reference. That's why it's about educating with the same insecurity, instability, adaptability and polyvalence. Something else to mention is a problem that is found in the current educational field which is the absence of the subject. This has been proposed from the inception of the subject of our speeches. A constructive subject, which is understood as well in the realm of reality just as before a constructible reality. It is necessary to transform historical consciousness into a great premise from which to think and build knowledge.

ESTEVE, Zaragoza José M. Educators and society: mutual expectations.

TORRES, Rosa María. "Twelve theses for educational change. Educational justice and economic justice ". Complete Popular Education Movement and social promotion. Faith and joy. Fronesis Institute. In: JULY 2005. P.45.

ZEMELMAN, Hugo and QUINTAR, Estela. "Pedagogy of the dignity of being." Interview with Hugo Zemelman and Estela Quintar. The roads and the meeting.
